Site Council
Mica Mountain High School Site Council serves in an advisory capacity to our principal, Mr. Hassey. Members of the council function in an advisory role, not in a policy and procedure capacity. Membership consists of three staff members, three parent or community members and two high school students. Each representative is elected from their constituency for a term of two years. Suggestions and feedback are shared by the parents, community and staff members that make up the council.
Topics discussed by the council may include recommendations for school improvement plans and provides local leadership and representation in the school decision-making structure. Parents, community members, and staff are invited to attend council meetings.
Meeting Dates
Mr. Hassey recommended the following dates and times, as well as the location of the College and Career Center (142) for regularly scheduled meetings.
All meetings will be at 4:15 PM
Following dates will be determined at the first meeting.
Please note that these dates are subject to change please contact one of our site council members for questions.
Meeting Minutes
Each month we will post our Site Council minutes.
Meet Our Members 24-25

Heather Bersbach
Parent Representative

Andrea Black
Parent Representative

Nancy Davis
Parent Representative

Charlie Crawford
Classified Representative

Ivan Luna
Certified Representative

Carla Wright
Certified Representative

Ariana Murton
Student Representative

Isabella Romero
Student Representative